Mission Statement

The TheCell research network aims to promote translational research in cell and tissue therapy in the Province of Quebec with a vision of national and international visibility.

Quebec Cell, Tissue and Gene Therapy Network –ThéCell

Created in 2009, the TheCell Network has now more than one hundred full members. It strives to facilitate phase I and II clinical studies in order to accelerate the availability of the technologies developed in cell, tissue and gene therapy for the general population.The cell and tissue therapy platforms of the universities throughout the province of Quebec and their partners are supported in their clinical trial development.
TheCell is a thematic network supported by the Fonds de recherche du Québec–Santé provides leverage and serves as catalyst for the utilization of the infrastructures and the training of highly qualified personnel in the field of cell, tissue and gene therapy.


- Develop research through collaboration in regenerative medicine and cell, tissue and gene therapy.
- Increase resources and infrastructures and optimize their utilization.
- Orient the research towards clinical aspects and facilitate knowledge transfer from bench to bedside.
- Maintain and develop the infrastructure necessary for the field of cell and tissue therapy.
- Support the training of highly qualified personnel and researchers.

Focus areas:

I. Musculo-Skeletal and Nervous System

II. Cardiovascular, Pulmonary, Renal and Digestive System

III. Skin and Cornea

IV. Hematology, Oncology, Immunology


  • Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues  (ELSI) of cell and tissue therapies
  • Centre de thérapie cellulaire "JGH CPC" de l'institut Lady Davis
  • Centre d’excellence en thérapie cellulaire (CETC) du Centre de recherche de l’HMR
  • LOEX – CMDGT (Centre Multidisciplinaire de Développement du Génie Tissulaire) du Centre de Recherche du CHU de Québec - Université Laval
  • Facility for cell therapy and regenerative medicine of the CHUM
  • Infrastructure pour l'évaluation préclinique de la thérapie cellulaire
  • Economic evaluation in regenerative medicine


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